Labor’s Jo Briskey kicks off campaign to win Bonner

The Labor campaign for Bonner was given a major boost on Saturday night with a high energy campaign kick-off hosted at the Carina leagues club.

Labor has endorsed national parent advocate Jo Briskey to contest the marginal seat of Bonner at the next election.

National union president, now Labor’s new member for the Victorian seat of Batman, Ged Kearney came up to help Jo kick start her campaign.

The two were joined by over 100 local supporters with both Jo and Ged receiving a rousing reception from the gathered crowd. 

“I’ve worked alongside Jo, I’ve seen how much she cares and how hard she works to make sure Australian mums and dads get a better deal from government, she is exactly who the families of Bonner need as their voice down in Canberra” Ged Kearney told the crowd.

Ms Briskey reflected on her advocacy work as the head of Australia’s peak body for parents, The Parenthood, and shared with the crowd how much the Turnbull government was costing local families in cuts to healthcare, reducing funding going into local classrooms and a failure to properly address the rising cost of childcare.

“I have seen how Turnbull and his government have grown further and further out of touch with the issues that really matter to parents and families, Bonner families deserve better.” Ms Briskey said.

“Thanks to the LNP our local schools - public and catholic hardest hit - have missed out on funding that would have help them to reduce class sizes and employ specialist teachers. All in favour of a massive tax hand out for large multinationals,”

“There is a lot at stake this election. There are a lot people who are depending on us to deliver them a better government, a Labor government.”

Ms Briskey ended the night with a call to action to the room full of activists and supporters, putting the current LNP member on notice.

“Our fight starts now. We will go neighbourhood to neighbourhood, street to street, door to door, and have the thousands of individual conversations we need to have with the voters across Bonner to earn their support, their trust and their vote.”


Jo Briskey is the mum of two little girls, Margot and Gweny and has spent the last five years leading Australia’s peak advocacy body for parents, The Parenthood.  Jo has established herself on the national stage as a voice for parents advocating on behalf of over 63,000 from across Australia, including many living in the suburbs of the Bonner electorate. Jo has been campaigning for more affordable childcare, better funding for schools, and better support for working parents.

Contact: Jo Briskey, Labor Candidate for Bonner 0423 262 449
